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Двухчастотный считыватель WG26, RFID модуль 7941D 13.56MHz 125KHz

Двухчастотный считыватель WG26, RFID модуль 7941D 13.56MHz 125KHz
981,0 руб.
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Двухчастотный считыватель WG26, RFID модуль 7941D 13.56MHz 125KHz

Модуль считывания 7941D, встроенная высокопроизводительная схема считывания радиочастотных карт и антенна; а также поддержка ID и IC-карт, выбирает интерфейс wiegand для вывода данных.
Небольшой размер позволяет широко применять его на большем количестве устройств, таких как устройства контроля посещаемости, входная охрана.

1. Напряжение: DC 5V
2. Ток: 40mA
3. Поддержка125KHz and 13.56MHz (ISO14443A) card
4. Интерфейс: wiegand
5. Размер: 47*26*5mm (includes antenna)
6. Рабочая температура: -20~70 Celsius
7. EM4100 Card Reading Distance: >8cm
8. Mifare S50 S70, Desfire, FM1208 Card Reading Distance >5cm

Connection Introduction:
1.Power: DC 5V power supply, choose linearity power can gain better effects
2.D1 D0: wiegand data output DATA1, DATA0
3.FOR: format selection (hanging means W26, ground connection means W34)

Wirgand Interface Output Introduction:
1.When it sensors the card, the serial number will be output via Data 0, Data 1 two data wire
2.Data 0 and Data 1 are high level when there is no data output
3.Data Bit 0: it will generate 400us low level on Data 0 wire
4.Data Bit 1: it will generate 400us low level on Data 1 wire
5.Every data length is 2400us
6.Every Mifare card has a serial number with 4 bytes, users should output the last three bytes
7.Add the first 12-bit even check bit in the front and add the last 12-bit odd check bit in the back, 26-bit data in total
8.Card number is 6B 3D 12 D6
9.Output data is 3D 12 D6

10.Weigand 26 Code

0 111101 10010 11010110 1
Even Check 3D 12 D6 Odd Check

11.Weigand 34 Code

Weigand 34 Code
0 1101011 111101 10010 11010110 0
Even Check 6B 3D 12 D6 Odd Check

12.UART Interface Output

UART Interface Output
Data Head  Length Card Type Card Type BCC Check Data End
0x02 0x09 0x01 SN0~SN3 XOR Check Except Data Head And Data End 0x03

13.Card Type:
     0x02  EM4100
     0x01  MIFARE 1K
     0x03  MIFARE 4K
     0x10  HID Card
     0x11  T5567
     0x20  2nd Card
     0x21  ISO14443B
     0x22  FELICA
     0x30  15693 Label
     0x50  CPU Card
     0x51  Sector Information
     0xFF Keyboard Data
For example: the data received by serial port tool is 02 0A 02 2E 00 B6 D7 B5 F2 03, then
   1).The first byte 0x02 means data start.
   2).The second byte 0x0A means the whole data length is 10 bytes, which includes data start and data end.
   3).The third byte 0x02 means the card type is EM4100
   4). The fourth to eighth byte (0x2E 0x00 0xB6 0xD7 0xB5) means the read card number, and the fourth byte 0x2E is hidden card number
   5). The ninth byte 0xF2 means BCC check of second byte to eighth byte.
   6). The tenth byte 0x03 means data end.

1). Keep away from interference source, and strong interference signal may affect card reading
2). Select linearity power can improve the card reading distance and effect; switch power may attenuate the distance but will not influence normal operation
3). The module can operate normally in the range of 3-5V, please do not use higher voltage
4). This module has high frequency signal, so it may cause some interference to the analog circuit. Uses should place the module a little far away from the buzzer;
if the distance is too close, the sound of the buzzer will be low.

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